One of the hardest things is to write about yourself. But as I really wanted to tell you my story, I got a little help from someone who asked me a lot of questions. Some were easy to answer, others forced me to delve deeper into my past, my values, and my dreams. This conversation was a journey through the years of experiences that have shaped „the store by schneeweiss“ and everything I stand for. From my early days in Istanbul to the bustling life of Vienna where I found my true calling, each question peeled back a layer, revealing more about the person behind Schneeweiss and the vision that propels me forward. As you read on, I hope you will find a piece of yourself in this story, in the struggles and triumphs, in the relentless pursuit of a passion that defines who I am and why I do what I do. Welcome to my world, a world woven from the countless threads of an ongoing, vibrant narrative.


Yasemin, you were born in Istanbul and emigrated to Germany at the age of three. How did this experience shape your personality and values?

It would be dishonest to say that it was never a challenge. During my youth, it was particularly tough navigating between worlds that felt completely incompatible. Yet that's exactly how I developed the strength to adapt, to refocus, and to find the positive in life's changing scenarios.


How did you experience your Aramaic heritage during your childhood and youth, and how does it influence your identity today?

It was a life between three worlds. Born in Istanbul, my father's side was heavily influenced by Turkish culture and language. My mother, on the other hand, came from the Aramaic part of Turkey, where Aramaic was the predominant language. Growing up in Germany, these cultural differences caused insecurities, as my brothers and I felt that we did not fully belong anywhere. Being Christians in the Turkish culture and yet not fully accepted by the Arameans was challenging. But ultimately, it has strengthened my self-esteem, even though it wasn’t always easy.

You studied International Business Administration and after a year abroad in Dublin you worked for Bosch in Karlsruhe for 3,5 years. In 2007 you moved to Vienna to be with your now husband and in 2008 you opened "the store by schneeweiss" in Vienna's 1st district. How did that come about?

I really enjoyed the time I worked in boutiques and major fashion houses during my studies. What truly sparked my decision was the direct interaction with customers, which I missed while in controlling. I am not fond of sitting behind a computer all day – it's the immediate customer feedback and interaction that fuels my passion. Starting Schneeweiss was about embracing the thrill of entrepreneurship and sharing a fashion sense with like-minded people.

What specific experiences or insights from your time at Bosch helped you to establish and successfully run your own store?

Directly, nothing specific from Bosch, but my business background was invaluable. Understanding numbers is crucial in fashion – a field where it's all too easy to misstep financially. My academic background equipped me to manage finances effectively, providing a safety net of self-reliance in the unpredictable world of fashion.

Life can also be quite unpredictable. In 2012, just one day after the opening of your second store „Rosenrot“, your second son was born. How did you manage these major life events?

Reflecting on it now, I'm still amazed at how I did it. My husband's unwavering support was crucial. He often took care of our children, which allowed me to focus on work. In addition, the decision to hire an au pair shortly after the birth of our second son provided essential support and has turned our au pairs into extended family members to this day, which makes me very proud.

With all this on your plate in 2014 you experienced a burnout. How did you recover, and why is it important to discuss this topic today?

The dual demands of family, multiple businesses, and striving for perfection overwhelmed me. Recovery came through therapy, an investment in my well-being, which I consider paramount. Therapy helped me understand and manage my stress better. It's important to discuss these experiences because the burden of burnout is often overlooked, and I’ve learned the hard way that multitasking is less a skill and more a risk.

What strategies have you developed to manage stress, and how have they evolved?

The key for me has been to recognize the early signs of stress, often signaled by how frequently I check my phone. By consciously reducing my screen time, I allow myself to enjoy moments of peace, which has become an essential strategy in my stress management toolkit.

In 2019, you transitioned „Rosenrot“ into an outlet, and in July 2022, you closed the store. What role did the pandemic play in this decision?

The pandemic underscored a valuable lesson: bigger does not necessarily mean managing multiple locations. Consolidating to one physical location and an online store made operations more manageable and emotionally liberating. It allowed us to adapt more dynamically to the ever-changing market conditions while maintaining a closer connection with our customers.

Can you share a special story where a customer gave you profound feedback that has influenced your way of doing business?

Over the years, many customers have shared that they no longer struggle with their wardrobe. Being open and honest, conveying that nobody is perfect, has fostered a community feeling. This is something you simply cannot replicate online. That’s why engaging with our online customers through Instagram and other channels remains a pivotal part of our approach.

How do you manage your online store and what stets it apart from others?

The most compelling aspect of our online store is its personal touch. Unlike anonymous platforms, we offer real interaction, which is something I truly cherish. The value of personal contact cannot be overstated – it is fundamental to growing and deepening customer relationships in the digital space.

When it comes to business, your relationship with your family also plays an important role.  You live with your husband and two sons in Vienna. What is your family's everyday life like, and to what extent are your three men involved in your business?

Our daily life, although occasionally chaotic, is generally well organized. My sons, being 12 and 14, have grown quite independent, which helps me to better focus. Whether it’s our annual street festival or merchandise management, they’re always ready to lend a hand, making them an integral part of the business operations.

Balancing children and career is a challenge many women face. How do you and your family manage this balancing act?

It’s crucial to allow each other ample space to pursue personal fulfillment. Recognizing that you’re not just a partner and mother but an individual with your own aspirations is vital. There’s always a way to balance these roles so that everyone’s happy. Essential to this balance is the understanding and support from your partner, especially when the children are young. Knowing that your children are well cared for allows you to focus on your career without compromise.

What do you want to pass on to your sons regarding business and career?

Above all, I want them to engage in work that brings them joy and fulfillment. They are learning from both their father’s employment and my entrepreneurship, which I hope will guide them to make informed decisions about their own career paths in the future.

Despite all the hurdles, you seem to never stand still. In September 2022, you and your trusted design partner Filippo founded the successful bag brand FILO–DEE. What inspired this label, and what makes it unique?

The inspiration for FILODEE came from my long-standing relationship with my designer Filippo. We’ve been selling the redesigned Microtool bag in my store for years. The chance to explore the production side and contribute directly to the brand’s development is incredibly fulfilling. It’s the blend of Filippo’s design skills and my business acumen that makes FILODEE successful.

FILO-DEE is more than a simply and exclusive leather atelier. 

What synergies arise between FILODEE and "the store by schneeweiss," and what role does your bag brand play in your overall business concept?

While direct synergies are limited, the profound insight I have gained from years in retail allow us to anticipate and effectively meet consumer needs effectively. These experiences are invaluable and directly influence FILODEE’s strategy, enabling us to iterate rapidly based on direct customer feedback.


As a store and brand owner, you have to take on many different roles, from marketing to finance. Which ones do you enjoy the most and which ones cause you the biggest headaches?

Interacting with customers and the buying process are undoubtedly the highlights of my role. However, the necessity of monthly accounting is something I enjoy the least. It's an important part of the business, though not my passion.

What was the original concept behind „the store by schneeweiss“ and what has been your goal from the start?

Originally, I mainly introduced Scandinavian brands that were not available in Austria. This simple concept met a demand I knew existed from my own fashion desires. As the fashion landscape evolved, so did our store, adapting to meet the changing tastes and needs of our customers.

Tell us more about your team.

My colleague Maria has been a cornerstone of Schneeweiss since its inception. Working three days a week, she is not just an employee, but a beloved part of our community. Her personal connection with our clients is something I deeply value and is a testament to the trust and loyalty we strive to build every day.

Two major people for our success on Insta are Julia Weber and Sergiu Andres. I guess I don't have to introduce Julia, everybody knows here, as she is our beautiful model but not only this together with her twin sister, she is also responsible for all graphic topics around The Store and FILODEE. And very important those two women are friends from the second on. 

And we have Sergiu, he is our photographer and a beautiful soul. I know him since he is a teenager and watching him growing. He puts his soul and heart in every picture he is taking and once again thank you as well for our unbelievable wedding pictures. 

You have a personal relationship with many of your customers, knowing not only their style preferences, but also personal details such as birthdays and vacation goals. Can you describe the typical Schneeweiss & FILODEE customer?

Our customers value quality over mere branding. They are confident, self-determined individuals who understand their needs, which shifts their focus towards quality and craftsmanship rather than the label itself. This distinction gives me the flexibility to curate our collections without being tied to repetitive brand offerings. Should we decide to discontinue a brand, our customers trust our judgment, confident that we'll introduce equally compelling new brands.

How have your customers’ shopping habits changed over the years?

It is critical that we stay attuned to our customers’ evolving needs. There are moments when a touch of extravagance is desired, and we strive to accommodate these changes. However, it’s impossible and unnecessary to cater to every whim. As our customers lives and preferences change, so must our offerings to ensure we remain relevant and responsive.

Is there a brand that has been with „the store by schneeweiss“ since the beginning? What has kept it relevant for you and your customers?

Filippa K has graced our store since the beginning, followed a few years later by Tibi and R13. Their enduring appeal lies in their consistent quality and style, which resonates well with our customers. R13 holds a special place in my heart as it was a brand I introduced to Austria early on. These brands have remained staples as they have evolved with the tastes of our customers.

„the store by schneeweiss“ has been thriving since 2008. What has been your greatest success, your greatest learning, and what advice would you give to other entrepreneurs?

I am very proud of our longevity and success from the beginning. The most critical lesson learned is the importance of being adaptable in business. For those looking to venture into this or any industry, my advice is simple: If you do not find joy in your work, it may not be the right path for you. Resilience and a genuine passion for what you do are essential.

Is there anyone in the fashion industry who has particularly inspired you, and how has that influence shaped your career?

While no one person stands out, my inspiration comes from a mosaic of individuals and their stories. Successful fashion retailing requires empathy and an ever-curious mind – understanding people’s needs and narratives is more inspiring than any one individual could be.

To understand people’s needs, you also interact a lot with your customers through Instagram. How important is social media to your business today?

Instagram has become a key platform for us, significantly enhancing our customer interactions. It allows us to showcase new brands, collections and creative styling options, making fashion both accessible and inspiring. It is a tool that not only informs, but also engages our community in an ongoing fashion dialogue.

Follow us on Instagram @schneeweiss.thestore

Your followers on Instagram can see that you’re never short of new ideas and concepts. Where do you find your creative inspiration?

Inspiration often strikes me during solitary walks. Whether I’m wandering through unfamiliar cities or exploring new landscapes, these moments of solitude are when I’m most receptive to new ideas and translate these experiences into fresh concepts for both „the store by schneeweiss“ and FILO–DEE.

You have been through so much and accomplished so much in the past 16 years. What dream do you still hope to realize?

Dreams evolve. There’s always a new vision, a fresh ambition on the horizon. My dream with „the store by schneeweiss“ and FILO–DEE is ongoing – we grow, we adapt, and we envision more. With each step, our community expands, driven by shared aspirations and a constant quest for growth and innovation. I can't wait to see what the future holds and to continue this journey, creating styles that inspire, connect and empower.

I really hope you enjoyed this little glimpse into my world. I can't wait to share more about the „why“ behind Schneeweiss and FILO–DEE, our unique approach to curating collections, the stories behind our collaborations, how I source new brands, my fashion philosophy, and much more. It will be good. Stay tuned. 

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